Marcos, Kristine, Nicholas, Demetria & Satchell


Awesome Couple

I, Marcos V. Menéndez was sealed for eternity to Kristine Folkman on October 1st, 1993 in the Jordan River Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am originally from Ecuador, a country located in the northwestern corner of South America. Kristine is from Utah.We both met in New Jersey back in 1992 and dated for a few months before becoming engaged.


Beautiful Kids

We have three beautiful children, Nicholas (7), Demetria (5) and the latest addition to our family, Satchell(1 month old). Nicholas recently was honored with the Citizenship Award from Greenwood Elementary. He is a very vivacious kid. Demetria will be going to kindergarden this fall. She is the princess of our family. And finally Satchell is enjoying all the attention from all of us. We love our children very much and are grateful for the great opportunity we have as parents to take care of them.